Sunday, May 30, 2010

My first Sunday Sketch and a little gardening

Happy Sunday! I have decided to begin participating in Blue Chair Diary's Sunday Sketches, so here is my first one! I figure it is a good way for me to keep coming up with ideas on a regular basis. I have been busy with this and that this week and have not had much time to paint, so I'm glad I have something to show :) I may make her into a painting soon too!

I also wanted to show you the humble little container garden that my boyfriend and I have started on our porch. We planted purple sage, apple mint, zucchini, parsley, lavender, strawberries, basil and cherry tomatoes. We have only had them for a couple of days but I am already so excited to see them grow a tiny bit at a time! And if you look closely you can see a mischievous little friend hiding amongst the parsley...

I found all of the little decorations in the dollar spot at Target last year :)

We also have some hanging baskets with flowers and little solar lights. Here is an overall picture of the porch:

We have been enjoying sitting out there and eating breakfast in the mornings before it gets too hot. Well I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday and I will see you soon! :)


  1. Oh I love your girls - there flowing hair, their eyes, her polka dots! Welcome! My children and I are doing this sketch group together and it is motivating! We have also restarted our planter herbs on our outdoor deck / room! Love fresh herbs in everything - and most just came back after the winter rest beneath the soil, they are warm in this place close to the house (and its aging if any insulation :-)

  2. adorable drawing - love her curly hair

  3. Hmmm.....planning a trip?....doing a little dream traveling?

    She's really cute!

  4. lovelyyyy i adore your work:)
    hug from brasil

  5. Hi Lauren, love your Sunday Sketch!! She is gorgeous and I love the movement in this one! I didn't make Sunday sketches this week as things have been hectic but I've still enjoyed going around for a visit to everyones!!! :0)

  6. ~sailing the high seas in such a sweet innocent she leaving or arriving to her destination...beautiful always...and l♥ve your herb garden...may your garden continue to grow and delight you with such divine gifts...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  7. your paintings are fantastic!!!and your blog is similar to mine!!!!
    have a fairy nice week!!!

  8. Hi there, welcome to sunday sketches. I have to tell you this is adorable. My daughter's name is Saylor, and little girl looks like she is on a sail boat....and i just adore it!!!
    I look forward to seeing her finished!

  9. hello and welcome to Sunday Sketches. Your drawing is wonderful, I love her on a boat and the suitcases make me wonder where her journey will take her!

  10. she's really cute! I love her flowing hair!

  11. She is beautiful, love her hair! So glad you have joined us.
