Monday, December 19, 2011

The Star Angel

 Hello everyone! It is so lovely to be back--after having computer problems for the last couple of months it is finally fixed and we are up and running again! :)

Above is my latest painting, "The Star Angel," painted on a 7"x7" wooden plaque. I added mica glitter to her wings to add some fun sparkle. She is available in my shop.

Above is "The Gentle Forest," which I never got a chance to show you here. I am happy to say that it is on its way to a good home! I intended to get some Christmas prints and postcards in the shop this year, but with all of my computer problems I couldn't make it in time. Next year for sure!

Daniel and I were very excited to do our first Christmas tree together this year. We had a wonderful time picking out a tree, then putting on some Christmas music and decorating :) I hadn't seen many of my old ornaments for years, so it was a lot of fun to unwrap each one and put it on the tree.

And if you look closely, you can see Rosie relaxing under there :) It is her favorite new spot.

Here are a few more little decorations (my mom made the adorable card on the left for us). We have done a lot of fun Christmas activities this past weekend, including our yearly tradition of going to the Christmas parade, then coming home to watch "Elf."

 It has been nice and chilly and rainy, which makes the perfect backdrop for a cup of hot cocoa and a good book (or two).

I hope that everyone is having a fun and relaxed holiday season! I'll see you soon :)


  1. Oh my goodness, how sweet! I adore the little deer. <3

  2. i love your new works...the deer is especially sweet. the gree looks great!

  3. welcome back! I love your gentle forest!!
    so sweet that you are enjoying the season with a tree and one another. lovely holidays to you~

  4. Hi Lauren!
    It's always so nice to hear from you! I'm so happy you are enjoying the Season with your Sweetheart and still painting regularly! I look forward to more in the New Year...heehee!

    Merry Christmas!

  5. It's great to hear from you! Your new work is lovely as ever. I adore The Gentle Forest. Sorry you've had computer problems - seems to be going around. Hope you and yours have a most magical holiday!

  6. thanks for the eye candy,including your lovely artwork! a beautiful tree (I've never had a real one, lol!) the collection of vintage books and that yummy looking mug of cocoa :-)
    We just watched Elf last night, it's one of my new fave movies.
    I just wanted to stop by and wish you a Merry Christmas, and I hope Santa was good to you.
    May you have many blessings in the new Year
