Friday, July 27, 2012

A Mad Tea Party!

On a lovely overcast day, five friends gathered to enjoy breakfast, cake, pastries, tea, lemonade and sweets :) 

There was sugar and fun galore, as well as sweet favors for the guests (handmade by my mom)!

Even Alice and the Mad Hatter dropped in to make an appearance!

And even Alice has to eat her vegetables ;)

Thank you so much for dropping by our un-birthday celebration!

As a special treat for the occasion, I will be giving away my hand-painted Alice and Mad Hatter kokeshi dolls to one guest! Simply leave a comment on this post, and I will draw a winner at random next Saturday, August 4th.

Thank you so much to the lovely Vanessa Valencia for hosting this blog party, make sure to visit her blog here and to follow the sidebar links there to other parties :)

Have a beautiful day!


  1. oh! what a lovely tea party!!!! i'd love to eat some of these delicious food!!!
    the dolls are amazing!!!!

  2. Besides the delish dollies I am drooling over all of that delightful ness!!! You're hubby must just adore you more & more each day! You are so amazing!

  3. Oh what a lovely time you must all have had !
    I hope you don't mind me sneaking some lemonade :)
    Thank you so much for inviting me,
    I hope to see you soon at my party too, everyone is invited :)
    Mad Madam Mel x

  4. Hello darling wonderful! Thanks soo much for the treats!!! I love your little painted Wonderland sweeties!!! you are so talented dear one! Blessings, Amy

  5. I'm so happy that you took part in the Tea Party! I've missed your blog posts very much. The Party was fun and it looks like you had some amazing treats! Your dolls are so gorgeous - will be keeping my fingers crossed.

    If you get time, hope you'll visit with me, too. :)

  6. Eeek! Those dolls are adorable! Your table is so pretty and the treats so divine. Thank you so much for inviting me. I've had a lovely time. Have a magical weekend! Twyla

  7. This is such a sweet mad tea party! I love the candy pastels everywhere, your beautiful china with the little golden motif and the Mad Hatter in a cloche... cuter than I can say!

  8. oooh, i love all of the little details at the tea party.
    the dolls are totally adorable!

  9. Wow, so many sweet treats....I had to try them all. I had no room left for tea but I bet it was great. Thank you. I would love to enter your giveaway. I love Alice and her friends so much. You captured it well.

    Please visit me:

  10. Such yummy yummy treats! My mouth is watering :)

  11. I am completely inspired. What lucky guests. Your party was as beautiful as your artwork! Very nice!

  12. What a glorious spread for your tea party! My tummy is rumbling with delight! Happy Mad Tea Party!

    Please come have a cup of tea with me at mine:

  13. What a wonderful tea party you have here!!! The strawberry cake looks absolutely divine. I wish I could have a slice of it! Your giveaway is sooooo cute and I would love to enter to win. thank you so much for inviting me to your wonderful tea party. I hope to see you next year!!!


  14. Your Tea Party was magnificent! I thoroughly enjoyed all the delicious goodies and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Alice and Mad Hatter giveaway! They are soo sweet! Please enter me to win this wonderful pair!!! I would be thrilled to no end if I were to win!
    Thank you bunches,
    P.S. I hope you will visit my mad tea party as I am also having a giveaway!

  15. Oh Lauren! Your parties are always so beautiful and whimsical....not, to mention delicious!!!

    Everything looked so tasty....and those cute Mad Tea Party favors were perfect!

    I'd love the chance to invite Alice and the Hatter to come live with me...heehee!

    All my best!

  16. Such a fun tea party! oh how i love all of your special place and most of all love love your Alice & Mad Hatter giveaway! so creative.

    Do stop by and enjoy my party and enjoy photos, art, dolls and a giveaway too!♥-2012/

  17. Oh, everything looks so delicious! The favor bags are adorable, as are your sweet little dolls. Love the teacup with the rose handle. Thanks so much for visiting me!


  18. Love your party! Meet me in Wonderland here?

  19. Your tea party is really great! I love every detail...
    Special mention for the little dolls, they are so cute!!
    I came for the party but enjoyed visiting your blog, your wedding photos are wonderful! and those kokeshi of you and your husband...
    Besos from Argentina, Silvina

  20. I'll take those taffies - love, love, love them!

    Give me a visit some time ~

  21. Mmm.. the taffy and treats were too tasty to pass up! Thank you so much for the invitation and tea. <3

  22. Magical party! Please stop by mine if you can! :)

  23. Oh thank you for the delightful visit to your Mad Tea Party. The tea and treats were delish! I love your little dolls....they're precious.

  24. I have to confess. I love strawberries, and especially strawberries on cake. I may have eaten more than my share. I apologize! I'm afraid I have no control over my stomach. I did enjoy the vegetables, too, but, since I ate the cake first, I only took a few spoons full. Thank you for the wonderful time!

  25. OH dearest me. This is my kind of Soiree. I do so love all the treats and sweets. Chocolate, and icing, and strawberry cake. And even more goodies the I can believe. It all taste so scrumptious, and the company is delightful. I must confess I even ate the veggie pie. I have had such a wonderful time and that hatter and sweet alice were the cutest of pair.
    Thank you for letting me join in your Delightful party today.

    Please stop by for a Mad spoonful of tea... a little late of course, but we have opened the door now

    Wishes and Whimsy
    Wendy from Wonderland

  26. Helooo sweet lovely girl!! What a party!! Oh my, you all must have had the bestest time ever!! What treats and edibles!! Mmmmmmmmmmm!! Thank you sooo much for sharing!!!

    Love, V

    Happy Mad Tea Partying!!!! ♥

  27. What a delightful party, I am so full from all the decadent treats that were offered to me! I had such a wonderful time and met some wonderful new friends, thank you! wont you visit my party too?
    Hugs, Susan

  28. Oh yum what a feast! I enjoyed my stay indeed and now am hungry for sweets!

  29. Of course, you know I adore your artwork as I have purchased some in the past!
    What a scrumptious Mad Tea Party! The white icing on the cake and fresh strawberries looks divine! And even the vegetable quiche(?) looks yummy! What a delicious party you had for your five guests.
    I am participating in the Mad Tea Party too! So come on over!
    Smiles And the Mad Hatter and Alice are soooo charming!
    The Cheshire Cat
    Teresa in California

  30. Everything looks so delicious and what an inviting table. I LOVE the favors at each place setting...nice! Thank you for stopping by for tea at my party. HAPPY tea times!

  31. Oh, your dolls are adorable! Thanks for the party and the giveaway!

  32. Soooo many yummy treats, you've got me craving cake for breakfast now! :-)

    I loved your tea party and your Alice and Mad Hatter are so sweet.

  33. Ohhh i love all this candy and treats...and the strawberrycake...yummy.
    I think you had a wonderful Mad Tea Party, have a nice day

  34. What a wonderful party. I think I had more than my share of strawberries but they were so good and the table so beautiful.
    I was going to ask if you had made the Hatter and Alice dolls yourself!

  35. How pretty and delicious it all looks, Rosamund! I love the Mad Hatter tea party favor on top of the dishes. What a lovely touch! Thanks for having me to your tea and for visting mine. : )

  36. A very scrummy tea party. The favours are gorgeous. Thankyou for your visit. xxx

  37. What a delightfully sweet tea party!! So yummy!
    Thank you for having me

  38. Such a delicious tea party, so absolutely divine! I can't wait to make each candy morsel mine, mine, mine! :)

  39. I love your party! The treats are fabulous and look delicious! I love your Mad Hatter and Alice!

  40. Delightful party...I love the little dolls and would be grateful if you could enter me into your drawer! Thanks

  41. Such yummy treats and beautiful table decorations! Thank you for sharing!!

    Won't you please visit with me at The Tearoom?

    Wishing you a wonderful rest of your evening,


  42. Visiting your party made my mouth water! Such lovely goodies to eat! Thank you for letting me visit your party. Your dolls are gorgeous! Happy Days :)

  43. Your party treats are divine and the dolls are beyond adorable. Loved seeing your art as well!
    hope you can stop by my parties!

  44. thank you so much for such a lovely tea party! Simply wonderful I said to the white rabbit when we first arrived...but I turned and he had already scurried off somewhere! Silly bunny... thank you so much for coming to my tea party as well and leaving me a sweet comment! Such a lovely giveaway, it would be an honor to win...
    beth P

  45. Spectacular! So many ideas! I will have to come back and look before I do my next "Alice" birthday party for my dd in late autumn.

  46. Oh, this was just delightful! The strawberry cake and all the sweeties and pastries. Thank you so much. I love the blog name. My oldest daughter is called Rosamund; such a pretty name!

    Thank you for inviting me!

  47. your party was lovely
    so were the sweets
    I'm hosting a giveaway
    so come and see me!

  48. What a wonderful Tea Party ! Your Alice and Mad Hatter dolls are adorable! I am glad you included Veggys, boy does that quiche look delicious! The party favors are sooo darn cute too!

  49. Thank you so much for having me for tea! You set a lovely table! All the treats were amazing! And those dolls are adorable!

  50. What truly lovely photos and treats -- you definitely put a lot of effort and time into this fabulous party post. :) Thanks also for the chance to win your sweet Mad Hatter and Alice dolls.

    Greetings from Germany,

  51. Beautiful and yummy tea party.Thank you,I enjoyed.Denise

  52. oh yum and full to overflowing with beauty and delight.
    that quiche and cake are gorgeous!

  53. I loved your party! I think I might have a stomach ache from all the sweets, but it was totally worth it. Your little Alice and Mad Hatter are so cute!

  54. Lauren... congrats!!! you won my mad tea party giveaway when you get time can you email me with your address thank you hugs Wendy at blissangels
